Functional nutrition for a correct nutritional regime of livestock


Functional nutrition

Functional nutrition intervenes in cases caused by dysmetabolism, to solve the problem and restore the optimal nutritional regime of the farm or of the individual animal.

It is necessary to resort to functional nutrition:

  • as an exception to basic nutritional needs;
  • in the event of spoiled feeds or feeds containing anti-nutritional factors;
  • to assist in preventing and resolving nutritional errors and dysmetabolies related to environmental and physiological stress factors;
  • when probiotics or prebiotics are needed for the gastrointestinal tract of young animals.
Nutrizione di base

L’apporto di nutrienti necessari alla varie fasi del ciclo produttivo degli animali da reddito, ottimizzando i costi elementari.

Nutrizione personalizzata

Uno studio specifico dei requisiti di ogni allevamento e dei fabbisogni degli animali al fine di proporre una nutrizione mirata.

Do you want a basic branded product?

Basic nutrition from our distributors.